Everyone is lying to you (apparently)

12:20 AM

6 August 2015

So my mom is all crazy about how my aunt apparently lied to her about selling her (my aunt's) car. Cause today my aunt's brother told my mom and dad that he sold his car after fixing it, so my mom is all like omg I thought she said she sold her own car. Like why the f do you even care which car they sold. I'm like, oh maybe she said it wrong or you heard wrong, and she literally was like "No. She lied to me". Flat out. I am shocked. But at the same time I'm really not because what did I expect. So I yell at her and say, "yeah you're right everyone is lying to you" just to spite her because that's what she always thinks. I'm trying to show just how ridiculous what she's saying is. And then she has the gall to be like "why would you say that". EXCUSE ME. WHY WOULD I SAY THAT? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME THAT? I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU tHAT you stupid shit. She's the one that always says that everyone is against her and lying to her; I'm just agreeing with her, so she literally has no right to be mad. She's like one of those annoying people that are like "wow I'm so stupid", and when I agree, they're all offended. If you mean it seriously, then why are you expecting me to not agree. If you don't mean it seriously, then you shouldn't be offended. Ugh.

But the real point of all this is why does she even care. It literally does not affect her and it does not affect me what stupid damn car they decided to sell. If she really cares that much then she should just ask my aunt herself. "I thought you said you sold your car." THAT'S IT. OH my god. I bet if I tell her that she'll just say that she doesn't want to because the story will "change" and it'll be her fault again. Jesus Christ save me.

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