A continuation

4:18 PM

18 August 2015

I've been thinking about my previous post, and I really just want to let it all go. I keep wondering why I care so much about these things. I take the close friends I have too seriously I guess, and maybe I'm the only one that will end up caring. It sucks because every so often I think about that particular friendship, and it's only that friendship that makes me feel this way. It's just that I had spent so much of my time on this person, and suddenly it's gone. It's gotten to the point where I now think she probably doesn't even think about me/want to talk to me anymore, so I'm afraid of contacting her for fear of the reply I will receive (or maybe even not receive). Ugh. As cheesy as it sounds, my heart actually hurts.

I have another friend from around the same time, Valerie, but she moved to LA. It's weird because I actually talked to her less, but now I'm much more comfortable just randomly saying hi to her and asking her how she's doing.

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