Dream 6: A Strange Field Trip

10:43 PM

16 August 2015

So this dream was really strange. I guess it was more of a nightmare. I feel like I had part of this dream before, but I couldn't remember it when it happened previously. Basically I was on a field trip to some fast food restaurant, and the only person I remember being there was my friend since kindergarten, Jyothi.

I'm standing in line to order food, but I seem to only remember getting drinks. It's free slushie day, and everyone is getting blue (or was it pink) slushies. Jyothi orders before me, and I watch carefully to see what size she gets. I distinctly hear her say large, and I even see her carry away a rather large cup (though you know how America tends to be with portion sizes, especially with fast food drinks), so I order a large as well. Peculiarly, what I get is much larger than what Jyothi got. I feel kind of embarrassed, but it's no matter. I walk away from the counter, and in that moment I think, 'wow, how do those cashiers and workers move so fast at this restaurant; it's unreal.' In hindsight, of course it was unreal: it was a dream. 

As I walk towards Jyothi, I ask her if she wants my slushie because she is oddly already almost done with her's; she says yes, so I dump my slushie into her cup (I feel like this particular phrasing has some strange implications). Heading back to refill my drink with either tea, water, or lemonade—I can no longer remember—I start thinking about something, but a blank happens.

[This was written in past tense at first, but then I started slipping my tenses around in places so I had to just change everything to present tense. It sounds kind of weird. 
Okay, after I changed everything, I read that there is a literary mode called the Stream of Conscientiousness, which is basically interior monologue and the way I was writing before, so the tense and grammar can technically be garbled. I'll probably just mix it up from now on because who cares.]

Suddenly I'm standing in a secondary line past the cashier to buy some snacks. There was a snack stand made of metal that held various foodstuffs like corn nuts and chips. I reach out to grab something when, all of a sudden, Jyothi tells me something, but I could not hear what she had said. A blank.

Everything is dark now, but not completely dark. There's that horror movie darkness in which objects seem to be slightly illuminated by something: probably the moon. I'm outside, but I see remnants of the restaurant around me. The floor is wet and covered in some unknown substance, and the only thing left intact is the snack stand from before; except now, the metal is rusted, and the snacks look strangely ominous with the moon shining a dim light on their colorful, kid-friendly packages. There's an incline in front of me with an upside-down 'U' shaped pipe on the way to the top. I don't know why, but I climb up the hill; it's then that I realize that there is something flowing from where the pipe is. It's slippery, and I feel a sudden chill down my spine. I'm afraid of falling. I think the reason I didn't want to slip was that I didn't want to get covered in whatever was on the floor. Was it rotting entrails? Blood? I can't remember, I just know I was afraid of something.

A blank happens as I reach the pipe, and I abruptly appear across the street from my house. Jyothi is standing there. She tells me something, but again, I could not hear what she had said. 

She probably told me to go back for some reason because I'm suddenly back at the pipe, and the disgusting substance is still leaking from it. I remember feeling a sense of reluctance, suggesting that I went back willingly for what she had asked. Diffident, I try to make my way down the slope without slipping. When I finally reach the snack stand, I reach out to grab a snack—which is likely what Jyothi had asked for—but I wake up. I'm sweating when I wake up, probably because my heart was beating posthaste during the dream. Despite this, I always end up wanting to know how things would have ended.

Also, why Jyothi?

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