Watching people crash and burn

9:29 PM

4 October 2016

I know I literally just made a post like an hour ago today, but I just got some more thoughts.

What are you supposed to do when you know someone is falling apart but it seems like they don't want help from you. Well I guess you could say the obvious thing to do would be to leave them alone because they probably just want space, but at some point you have to wonder if that's the best option. I mean if they wanted to talk they would, but what if they wanted you to talk. Who knows. I've been rereading some emails and I feel like maybe I'm being unfair and maybe I should just really chill out and stop being angry at people. I said I was okay, but maybe I wasn't. I think I should be okay now as I think about it more. I just keep thinking, will any of this ever work out. Or will that just be the end of everything.

Why am I always asking other people about things expecting them to solve the problem for me. Things become twisted, tempers rise, and nothing is solved. I should just wait.

On a side note, I was reading this lady's answers on Quora, and she needs to chill out. Like she claims to be an admissions officer, but I'm really hoping that's a lie because she is so rude and ignorant it's incredible. Oh, you have these Olympic specs? You'll barely get into De Anza. Like HELLO? Let's be realistic here. And then she wrote a reply to this girl who was asking about changing her Chinese name to an English one, and she says that that's "RUDE" including the all caps. I was in shock. Like so many people at my school have "English" names even though their name on the roster is Chinese. Even my oldest sister has a Chinese legal name, but the name she uses is in English. How is that rude. It honestly just makes it easier for both them and the teachers. What is the deal. And then she says she knows it's rude the other way around too like if an American went to China and got a Chinese name. ???? Literally as long as you are respectful, nobody actually gives a shit. Basically she says a bunch of bullshit about admissions and constantly looks down on community college; who does this bitch think she is.

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