Nervous about Physics and Life (as usual)

8:44 PM

4 October 2016

I have a Physics test tomorrow and, as usual, I have no idea what is going on. I wonder if I should be going into computer science because people always say you should be good at stuff like math to go into engineering. That makes sense, but I don't really think I'm good at math. I don't get things intuitively when it's taught, I have to think for a while about it, and even then, I don't always understand it. The test tomorrow is about forces, and whenever they give the problem, I just stare at it and have no idea where to start. It's not even like I'm horrible at math or anything, it's just that I'm not good at it either. I hate being average at everything.

I'm also getting pissed off again about life. Like I thought I was chill after a good talk with my friends, but some things just trigger my anger. It's weird how the brain works. How jealousy works. I really just want to go fuck you fuck me fuck this fuck everything and forget it all I'm so annoyed. Like what has that bitch done. Well she's not really a bitch, I like her, but seriously, what have any of these people done?

I was looking at old chats with people and man I said some deep shit. I'm reading some of the stuff I said and I'm shocked like where did this shit come from.

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