First College Acceptance

5:42 PM

25 October 2016

This actually happened last Friday (October 21st), but I wasn't really in the mood to blog until now. Basically I got my first acceptance letter(?) from Purdue University. It was an email, but that's not really that important. It was almost the end of the school day, and I wasn't really even think about anything except for the random story we were reading since I have Contemporary Literature last, but then I happened to check my email. It was an email from Purdue Admissions (obviously), but I didn't really think about it and thought it was just one of the random reminders they send you, so my acceptance was pretty sudden. There was no feeling of 'man this email is like opening Pandora's Box, I can't do it, it's too much pressure'. Then again, Purdue has rolling admission and is pretty easy to get into so it wouldn't have been that dramatic regardless, but I was still so happy. I had such a dumb grin on my face. I knew they would be accepting the first batch of people on the 21st but for some reason I thought the 21st was a Saturday, and I didn't expect my decision to come out in the first batch.

I'm checking the email again and it's shocking how unaware I am when I check emails. The subject was literally "Congratulations - You're a Boilermaker!". Flew right by me. I kind of wish I could relive that moment of brief euphoria.

On a different note, I got mail from Northeastern University (my sister's school) and in it there were a bunch of nice looking cute letters and even fake Polaroid pictures. Schools spend so much money just sending nice ass shit to people. Basically the stuff just said thanks for applying to our College of Science, here are some letters typed in that handwriting font from our students and staff etc. I just think it's so funny that they use the handwriting font so you think it's personal but it's obviously a font and mass produced letters so I don't know what they're trying to achieve here. Like why are you sending me this stuff if it isn't an acceptance. And they were writing the letter as if I was going to go already, even before I committed, in fact, even before they accepted me! Imagine I don't get in and just look back at the letters wondering what it was all for.

Now it's awkward because I don't know if I'm even going to go to Purdue depending on the other schools I get into. My grades aren't that great though, so I doubt I'll get into Georgia Tech, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, etc.

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