This guy in my HAmLit class

2:03 PM

8 February 2017

Holy shit he annoys me. He raises his hand to answer every question. That's fine. If you want to share your view and learn more, that's good on you. But sometimes I just get so frustrated because every time he says some long winded analysis of The Great Gatsby or whatever, everyone is like holy shit that was so deep. Like I don't think it was that good though? It wasn't actually that "deep" though? Am I crazy??? He always says shit in a voice that gives off an air of 'wow I'm so smart and good at everything'.

Just now he was debating about Obama crying during his speech with this other dude sitting next to him, and he was so adamant that he had a "valid argument even though it's a cynical view" as if having a cynical view is something to be so proud of. I am generally a cynical person, but I don't parade around talking as if I'm the shit and that I'm so special because I'm cynical about things. He literally was going around in circles basically just repeating his argument that 'oh everybody has a decision to cry or not cry. If Obama wanted to cry during his speech, he could have done it, but he also could have easily not done it.' Um okay. I wasn't aware that that was how emotions worked. Are you trying to tell me that every time I've ever cried, I could have just easily willed myself to stop? Maybe other people can, but I'm pretty sure that most people can't. If I could save myself the embarrassment, pity, and disgusting snot every time I cried, don't you think I would do it? His argument was that everything the president does is planned beforehand. Sure, that makes some sense. But why are you SO sure that his tears weren't genuine. Now I'm not saying that they were genuine, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say that they were because, damn, all these bitches should just go into acting; who needs to be president anyway. And then he starts saying how Obama didn't cry when he was talking about other "sad" things. Man what a shocker that sometimes I cry when something as shallow as an anime character dying happens, but I don't cry when thousands of real people die from some earthquake. People don't just cry at every unfortunate event. Emotions are complex things, don't just automatically simplify them to a means of political gain, even if that may be what it is.

What really ticked me off was that he would constantly repeat, "No, but you need to understand", "You must recognize", etc. in that slow patronizing tone that just sets me off. I was internally glaring at him the whole time. His only saving grace is that when he goes off on his long analysis tangents, that means the teacher has less of a chance of calling on me through cold call. It pisses me off even more because it seems like people actually like him, and I just wonder how and why. That sounds really depressing and salty-bitchish but 5real though. Sometimes I just feel like hanging him from the ceiling like Mr. DeRuiter and his damn cape.

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