John Winthrop In Class Rhetorical Analysis Warm-up

8:28 PM

Elaine Wang
American Literature Honors 6
16 September 2015

John Winthrop: A Model of Christian Charity

In “A Model of Christian Charity”, John Winthrop’s use of  rhetorical foil, of those chosen by God and those not, illustrates the idea of American Exceptionalism and unity. His speech refers to the reasons why God created people with different social positions, stating that, in order to avoid “shipwreck”, there must be unity as “one man”. Winthrop cites the community as part of the same body, all in the purpose of serving God, and this unity would then be blessed by God as “[they] shall find that the God of Israel is among [them]”. The idea that God will aid them in their pursuit as America is watched upon as “a city upon a hill” further suggests that Winthrop bought into the idea of American Exceptionalism, and God chose the specific people on the ship, Arbella, to colonize America. Yet Winthrop also states that if America should fail with “the eyes of all people [] upon [them]”,  God’s work would have been in vain and He would “withdraw His present help”, making them a notorious legend that enemies would cite in order to refute and “speak evil” of God.

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