Leap Day

8:55 AM

29 February 2016

Yoooo, I don't have much to say besides that it's leap day today. It's weird how I won't be able to say that until another 4 years go by. I'll be in the middle of college by then. I wonder what college I'll be in. All these things are so hard to believe. I remember being in elementary school like it was yesterday. Thinking that I would never be in high school like it was yesterday. And soon, I'll be in college (hopefully) and thinking how I even gave a shit about high school like it was yesterday.

I just had my math quiz and I'm not confident at all. I was confident about the previous test, and I did well. I went in thinking I was gonna slay, and I did. I don't know anything for this chapter though. The flashcards just keep piling on, and I keep forgetting. I just want to read my shitty Harry Potter and Bleach crossover fanfiction is that so much to ask.

A peek at my 80 flashcards

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