Been hanging out a lot

5:10 PM

17 August 2017

I've been hanging out with Liz and Olivia a lot this week and it's made me pretty happy. I had thought Olivia was annoyed with me but that's probably because I didn't take the initiative to have conversations with her so it felt like I wasn't really interacting with her at all. So basically it's just my imagination as usual LOL.

Well I was pretty happy until just now when my mom is again making me want to die. Like what is up with her and her kitchen it's like no one but us can use it. Calm down it's just a kitchen. She has the gall to pull this bullshit on me and then continue talking casually to me about her past as if I'll give a shit after she just yelled at me and pissed me off. I'm honestly so in shock at how unreasonable she is. Then again, should I really be shocked anymore given that this issue has been a constant annoyance in my life.

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