That Crush from like Third Grade

12:31 AM

1 May 2015

So I had a crush on this guy in my third grade class that lasted about 3 days (literally, not even joking). It's really weird to think back to it now 'cause it's like why did I even like him. I think it's just 'cause he sat next to me and made me laugh really damn hard about some shit in the History book this one time. Ya'll don't even understand: I was dying. I could not breathe, and it was really awkward 'cause I was in the middle of class. He probably thought I was hella cray. Man sometimes I wish I could go back in time to those easy ass days (with my memories of today).

On a side not, why are some teachers so interesting? I mean you see them everyday but you barely know anything about them. They're kinda just there staring at you for 6 hours a week. Obviously they teach you and stuff (hopefully), but it feels like that's it. I think that's sort of the enigma of these people. You feel like you should know more, given how often you see them, but you don't, so it's weird. Teachers have lives outside of teaching (what a shocker), and it's generally seen as unprofessional to become "friends" with your students when they are still a student in high school. I know teachers that will friend you back on Facebook (given you were of reasonable acquaintance to them) when you graduate, but no sooner. Some teachers won't ever friend you at all no matter what. Makes sense. Anyway, teachers are often so much more intelligent and knowledgeable than you. Maybe you're a genius that's even smarter than your teacher, but life isn't all about book smarts. I think teachers know how interesting they are to students. I have this one teacher that seems to talk about his life, but also skirts around it knowing we will look into it (for example his girlfriend or something). That just adds more to the feeling of curiosity.

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