Why Do I Even Bother

8:48 PM

24 March 2015

Man, so my mom is yelling about stupid shit again. Like why do I even bother posting things about her anymore; she's almost always crazy anyway. A girl came over to my house the other day for a cooking project, and she said my mom was nice. I couldn't help but feel weird inside. I mean, I guess she isn't mean, but she isn't nice. Like she talks about how she doesn't go around talking about other people unlike what they do to her. And I'm just (in my head, obviously) like, 'Yeah, so talking shit about people behind their backs is better? Wow I never knew.' But it's like she is literally just assuming all these people were/are saying bad things about her and being all passive aggressive when she isn't even sure. Basically she is extremely paranoid. Even if it were true, it's not like she knows for sure, yet she goes batshit crazy about it. As in yelling till I wanna fly through a wall because of her illogic. She doesn't see her own problem and that's what's sad. Man I can't go a day without having to hear her ramblings from the past. I don't understand why she still cares so much about what may or may not have happened like 20 years ago. I mean just leave that shit behind. And if you don't want to, at least don't make me listen to it. I won't even pretend I care; it's stupid. It's funny cause she says she isn't mad, yet she is yelling through the roof and clearly insane. You aren't as important as you think you are, and nobody with a life will waste their time away talking random shit about you. If they don't have a life then that's their loss and you should just laugh at their idiocy. Sure, be mad if someone says shit about you, but
1. Don't be mad for like 40 years+. Aka let go of things. Especially if you aren't even sure they meant it maliciously towards you.
2. Actually be sure they said something, and don't just assume and end up being mad about nothing. Aka stop being paranoid.
3. Chill the hell out omfg. Aka take a chill pill even if you think you don't need it 'cause you do.

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