Crazy People (again)

12:31 PM

1 March 2015

My mom is going crazy again. Well not really again, she's always crazy these days. She was looking at old letters she wrote to my dad back in the day. Suddenly, she yelled, "They know cho bo zhang's name because they read my letters!" She is saying how this lady relative person look her letters and read them all because she has the key to our house in Taiwan or something. What the hell. Does she really think she's so important and people would waste their time reading all her letters and making fun of her for it? Welcome to the real world, nobody actually gives a shit. What I can't believe is that she got that crazy paranoid theory all from the lady knowing my jiu jiu's name. Wow Sherlock Holmes is my mom, I never knew. It's as if it's impossible for her to have know his name from just being a relative. How hard is it to know your own relative's name without having to "steal your other relative's love letters"? My dad even said that he said my cho bo zhang's name many times to her, but no, my mom is adamant on her crazy ideas. Once she gets some idea in her head it's like nobody can convince her otherwise, and she always has to be correct. The problem is that her ideas are always paranoiac and don't make any logical sense. She assumes everyone in the world is like her, and that thankfully isn't true. But people can hardly realize the thoughts of those around them, and it's so hard for her to realize that other people actually have different (and less crazy for that matter) ways of thinking. She just walks back and forth and yells about stuff from the past. She thinks everyone is against her. She laughs at things that make people feel uncomfortable. Not like gore or anything. It's like she's laughing but it's kind of sarcastic laughing so it's really creepy.

The biggest thing is that she doesn't understand the internet at all, and that's fine, but then she makes false assumptions that nobody can convince her otherwise of. Especially with Facebook. My dad made her a Facebook hoping that she would find her old friends and be less crazy all the time, but I think it just made it worse. She is constantly thinking about who's friends with who and how she doesn't want to post anything. The other day, she started yelling about how one of her friends became friends with some relative or something on Facebook without telling her. She was all mad that she didn't know they became friends and how neither of them told her. Is it just me or is that just so petty and ignorant. Wow how could people make friends with other people without you having to be involved. Incredibly shocking. But the thing is, being friends on Facebook doesn't even necessarily mean being actual friends. I'm friends with some girl called Jasmine on Facebook but I don't really like her. Big deal. I never even chat, mention, or speak to her. But it's Facebook, you're pretty much just "friends" with everyone in your school or in your school district.

I just wish I could silence the world.

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