Some Moral Questions

1:28 AM

1 May 2015

So I've been really into Marvel's Daredevil (the new Netflix one, not the movie) recently, and that, combined with the Cambodian Genocide paper I read in Literature class, got me really thinking again about right and wrong. I don't know what strikes me as so interesting about this topic; I always end up going back to it. I'm not really feeling super passionate about it right now, but sometimes I just get really into it. Like to what extent is the law useful in such a corrupted society. I mean yeah, it's obviously better than people just running around crazy, but I don't really know. The guy from the Cambodian Genocide just got off scot-free (basically) eating Pringles or some shit. The law couldn't punish him for the absolute (and I mean absolute) atrocities he committed. So if someone like Daredevil were to theoretically have gone after him instead, would that be the wrong thing to do? I guess it's kind of different though because in Daredevil, he stops people or gets people he knows are guilty to be noticed by the law to be guilty. However, he never kills anyone. So I'm not really sure. The thing is, Matt Murdock is a blind lawyer (justice is blind, haha...), but at the same time, he's a vigilante. And he tells his friends to use the law. But at the same time, he says that the law can't do everything. And I think that's absolutely true. It seems to me that the key is Daredevil never killed his targets. I really liked a quote said by the church Father:

"Another man's evil does not make you good. Men have used the atrocities of their enemies to justify their own throughout history. So the question you have to ask yourself is... are you struggling with the fact that you don't wanna kill this man... but have to? Or that you don't have to kill him... but want to?"

I don't know why I love it so much, I just do. People at school so often compare themselves to others. Not even just at school. People in general love comparing themselves to other, and then hate on themselves or others afterwards. I'll make a general implied comparison right now: I think I'm the type of person that just goes through life not contributing anything substantial to society. I always think to myself, 'why couldn't I have been born good at everything'. I don't like to have to work hard. I'm a lazy person. I have no idea what I like doing that would actually give me a job.

This blog entry jumped around a lot and didn't really make much sense, but my mind kinda works that way.

Every time I try to articulate my ideas to my Literature teacher, it comes out in some sort of garbled mess with a bunch of "likes" and "um"s, and he ends up staring at me like "wtf are you trying to say??". And then he goes like, "Did you mean....../some insanely eloquent speech, hella flowing prose/.....?". And then I cry because how.

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