A Teacher's Personal Life

11:51 PM

11 May 2015

So recently (and apparently last year as well, but it never really spread I guess), some people found one of the 9th grade Biology teacher's Facebook and Twitter. He is this like 27-28 year old teacher that a lot of the girls think is attractive. He's only okay, but then again most of the teachers are like 50, so I suppose it makes sense comparatively. Anyway, the Facebook was whatever because adults tend to not write sexual things on their Facebook since their family and co-workers can see it/maybe it was just as sexual, but it was private to non-friends (but there was a screenshot of one of his Facebook posts showing his twitter account so I don't know). The point is, the Twitter was a bit more graphic than you might originally expect from this unassuming Biology teacher (of course this expectation is heavily biased because we tend to see teachers as "purer" then they actually are, given that we know so little about them). "'I have to schedule my gynecologist appointments a half hour early so the doctor can drain all the cum first.' -Your Mom" and "fuck me in the ass cause i love jesus" to state a few examples (though I'm not sure the second one is legit, not that it matters because there are some other equally interesting ones).

I mentioned in a previous post that we always seem to want to know more about teachers because it often feels like their very job is an oxymoron. They are required to be close to you for so long, yet they are so far away in their personal lives. And as I said before, it makes sense for them to have personal lives outside of teaching. But it's weird to see how someone truly thinks when so much of what they can say to you is censored. I honestly wouldn't give a shit if he was just some random 20 something year old guy talking about having had his neighbor call the cops on him because of "rape-like noises" coming from his apartment when he was actually just "tickling" himself really loudly. I still don't really give a shit because he kind of is just some random 20 something year old guy talking about masturbating. But I can't describe it. I guess it's like you are suddenly reminded that people aren't always how they show themselves to be: especially teachers. This could be debatable, but I don't think it's a teacher's job to be your friend; it's their job to teach you (though many fail at both, but that's besides the point).

So is it wrong for people to have found his Twitter/searched for his Twitter? I mean if you put it on the internet publicly you are essentially letting anyone who has half a brain and too much time to find it. Now if the person were to find it and then spread it, would that be wrong? I mean I don't doubt it's legal, but I'm wondering if it's morally wrong. Like if someone were to do something embarrassing and post it on their YouTube, and someone at their school were to find it and spread it, is that wrong? I think it's mean to make fun of people with malicious intent, but I suppose there is a fine line.

Well, the teacher ended up taking his Twitter down (or making it private if you can do that), though you can still see it on way back machine if you wanted to. And today the guy who posted his Twitter on Facebook took down the post as well (the Twitter was taken down really fast, but not before people commented screenshots of his posts). So I don't know if it was administration who told him to do it, or if he just decided he didn't want to spread it more. I mean people have been saying he could be fired for it, but I think that's kind of stupid. Apparently administration checks background and social media before hiring, but his Twitter might have slipped through the cracks. Though anyone, like that freshman, could find it. It's not like what he posted was pedophilic or murderous; it was just sexual. People are sexual, it's not that surprising. But some people see it as giving up certain rights when you become a teacher because you have influence on so many children. You kind of hold their lives in you hands for like 6 hours a week. I don't know. I'm a pretty strange person myself so I don't care that much when people say sexual/questionable things, and I think if your child suddenly decides a stupid joke about incest suddenly means incest is the correct path to take in life, then I have to question your parental capabilities or how much common sense your child has.

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