What's wrong?

9:19 PM

22 September 2014

Stop asking me that. Why do you expect me to tell you if you're the problem. Sure, I could tell you all my problems, but it's not like you can fix it so what's the point. Actually, I don't think you'll even try to fix it, it'll just end up being my own fault anyway.

My dad always says I look sad now. He wonders when we stopped going to play tennis and stuff together. I don't know when. It's like friendship but sadder. You don't know when it starts, it just happens. When he says it I always feel really sad, because I just don't know anymore.

My mom is just annoying. It's weird, sometimes I like her because she's my mom, but then she just manages to piss me off in like 5 seconds. Why can't you just stop talking for a minute. When I tell her to stop talking after she's been talking for literally hours, she stops for 5 seconds and continues. I just can't anymore. She say's it's rude to call people older than you loud/annoying. Yes because it's fine that you insult me all the time since "I'm your mom, only I would say this to you to you because I care about you." Yeah, so I tell you you talk too much about nonsense you've said so many times before, and you say it's rude. Well I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make you a better person because I "care" about you. Ugh. Stop being so damn hypocritical. I hate it the most when she thinks everyone is against her. She's so paranoid about everything; I can't believe she survived the real world. She always complains that she doesn't have anyone to talk to. It's not my fault you don't talk to any of your friends in Taiwan or some shit. She even says she doesn't want to make any new friends because she doesn't like it. Okay then if you don't want to, don't complain to me about it 24/7. She's so annoying about everything. Once my friend cooked with me in our kitchen, and after a few months, she goes like, "Oh is she coming over again? Are you going to cook again?". Then she literally laughs/does this weird keh snort thing she always does and says she doesn't like it. Oh my god it was so damn creepy. My dad goes like wth and she starts yelling at my dad like "omg why can't I dislike something yada yada yada." Just stop forever okay. Just stop. She claims there's nothing wrong with her head anymore but I seriously doubt that. It was better than before, but jesus christ please help me. Actually help her. She also always never answers the phone because her English isn't good so she's scared it's an important message. Not to mention, she complains to me all the time that she sucks at English and I should teach her. Yes, I will teach you and you will never use it. Her English isn't even THAT bad, she just refuses to ever use it ever, so of course it isn't going to get any better. Why do you want to learn it if you don't even try to use it.

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