Intense Rant About School (feat. Shuge)

9:18 PM

19 September 2014

[I wrote this in response to part of my friend's reflection, and I feel like it's a good addition to my blog]

"All I know is that my class is full of overworking sleep deprived sophomores. It’s society’s “chains” that are adding all this additional pressure on us. The moment we were born and welcomed into society. All these artificial needs that are beyond basic survival ones are instilled upon us, such as the need to wear better clothes, program better technology and eat more exotic food. I acknowledge the fact that need promotes innovation but on the other side of it, it’s all these tirelessly working people who honestly don’t care. So many students are coming to school just for the sake of coming to school, nobody really loves coming to school and only a select few enjoy learning. The biggest goal within our students here is to go to university. Everything is for college apps; sports, clubs, leadership and extra-curriculars. It is so infrequent when I see someone doing something simply because they are truly passionate about these days. But if it is passionate, it’s probably not great for college apps. In the end, we are fifteen and sixteen year olds who just want to have fun. Yet, we have to juggle rigorous academics, dramatic social life, and other aspects such as family, health…" (Shuge Luo)

For reals though. When you go to school every day knowing you cant fail because if you do, you will likely fail life/your parents will kill you and make your life terrible anyway, it really just sucks the life out of you. I'm so frustrated; even though I studied for my math test that was today, I couldn't finish because I'm slow. I'd like to think its not because I'm stupidly horrible at math, because even though I'm not great, I can get it if I try. I was literally like breezing through the test, and at the word problems, the teacher was all like, "lol guys only 5 minutes left". I saw so many people who finished, and I just wonder why I can't even though I know I do understand the material. Do you know how frustrating it is when you get 7/10 questions right with the 7 problems you did COMPLETELY correct (with the others unfinished because of time), and some other guy in your class finishes all 10 problems but gets something wrong in each one, yet they get a higher score than you? Like are you testing for true knowledge or just how many problems I can bullshit in 50 minutes? I am literally through the roof with math okay. I study: I know it but I'm slow as hell. I don't study: I just fail because I didn't study. And I know every person ever is going to be all like, "WELL. If you KNEW the material, you would be able to finish on time". I can definitely see the validity in that statement, but I feel like it's sort of narrow minded to say that. Some people have slower processing speed; are you going to fail me just because I can't solve a quadratic as fast as "normal" people can, even though my end result is just as good? Sure, I guess you could say that their math is "better" than mine, it probably is, but I don't think I deserve a 60-70 just because I couldn't finish, especially if I had shown that I did know what I was doing with what I did finish.


Okay I left a really intense comment.
Your life probably sucks 5000x more than mine with your shitty chem overloaded time familial issues etc, but I still feel frustrated about school too.
And I realize its kinda sad that I'm feeling frustrated when you're dying but I really just wish math would just stop haunting me.
Why does everyone just care about math.
It's always math math math. What? You're good at Lit.? You're good at History? Ha too bad, its useless. And I'm not even good at those subjects either.
I could probably drop to math analysis or something but I actually can't.
Teachers and other adults think they know the shit. Like oh just tell your parents it doesn't matter.
First of all bitch you are wrong okay. Do we still live in 100 years ago? I cant just "tell" my parents. Second of all, does it REALLY not matter? Yeah maybe it doesn't matter if you are some genius at another subject so it really doesn't matter that you suck shit at math.
But welcome to the real world, the majority isn't like that. I'm not saying you will fail life if you aren't in Pre-Calculus or above by 10th grade, because that's obviously not true
But, in the end I'm just stupid at everything and it's just a matter of pride and limits (haha limits). I know I can do it. I took that test today and I was like bitch I got this shit. Man I was literally mumbling to myself about how good I was doing. But my euphoria was cut off and it just really ruins your day. It makes you feel like no matter what you do it doesn't even matter in the end because you're destined to fail some way or another.
Really dramatic sounding but that's really what it feels like.
Your friends and people around you sugar coat words and tell you ohhh its okay you will pass with at least a B, I guarantee it.
Just increase your grade slowly!
Well if its that easy why do I even have this problem.
Then again, if they just say yeah you really suck man, you should drop down a level:
That doesn't help either.
By telling me the truth you aren't helping me either since I already know the truth
I'm not stupid.
Well I probably am for staying, but I don't want to give it all up. That's probably the wrong choice, but I want to come back to this post and laugh at myself for even worrying.

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