Lord of the Flies: Response 2

8:36 PM

Quote Prompt: "In the end they'll judge me anyway, so whatever" - Kid Cudi


"When you done laughing perhaps we can get on with the meeting...I know there isn't no beast-not with claws and all that, I mean-but I know there isn't no fear, either." 
Piggy paused.
Ralph moved restlessly. 
"Unless what?" 
"Unless we get frightened of people." 
A sound, half-laugh, half-jeer, rose among the seated boys. Piggy ducked his head and went on hastily. 
(Golding 84)

In this passage, Piggy's haste retreat is a telling sign of self-consciousness. It's so easy for people in the world to influence others, especially through disapproval. Even Jack was influenced when his followers were disappointed that he couldn't kill the pig. His obsession with hunting pigs, and therefore showing them that he isn't too weak to kill, was inflated to an even more excessive amount. There's the possibility that being left out of a group is so distressing because cohesive groups often live; a lion kicked out of a pride has a much lower chance of surviving. Piggy's mind set is basically that of the quote: the majority of the boys laugh at his ideas, so he backs away because "whatever" (Cudi). It's so much easier to lose if a person has shown everyone else how much they don't care if they win or lose. This passage is remarkably important because, in it, Ralph shows signs of change. He responds to Piggy's suggestion seriously and "restlessly": "Unless what?" (Golding 84). Ralph moving restlessly indicates that he is legitimately worried about what Piggy is about to say; he cares about what Piggy is about to say. And what Piggy does say is jarring in itself. Not only because he is finally seeing what many readers are seeing, but because "being frightened of people" is exactly what he is. When he said this, the boys laughed and jeered at him; they think it's so ridiculous that the monsters and nightmares that keep them up at night are themselves. They can't believe this because they aren't the ones being laughed at. They aren't the ones that have to "duck [their] head[s] and [go] on hastily" every time they open their mouth just to speak (Golding 84). So many lives are set back by this, and so many ideas are lost in people's minds until they die because, in the end, others will just "judge [them] anyway" (Cudi).

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