Press Conference: Thomas Hobbes Introduction

3:31 PM

Hello, I am Thomas Hobbes and I believe in the equality of all people. Men and women are born equal and shall stay that way. Women are naturally equal to men because, in nature, nobody is born unequal; it is the civil laws humans create that produce inequality. Unfortunately, all people are born greedy, selfish, and cruel, and are equal in that way. There must be strict rules to control ourselves, or chaos naturally breeds from our desires. The strength of mind is paramount to physical strength, because the weak can defeat the strong through wit or the congregation with others. Much is based on fear and hope. Human’s all want what’s good for them, and if there were no laws preventing the harming or murder of others, they would harm for what they desire. This creates chaos and fear for life. Combined with human reason, people also seek to find peace among others, and this causes a social contract to be formed with one supreme authority. They consent to this social contract in exchange for peace. Consent is required before falling under the authority of anyone else; be it woman or man. Fear is what creates community, and this community is enforced by fear. In reality, here is no “good” and “evil”. What is good is what we want. What is evil is what we don’t want. What humans dictate as good and evil is what society teaches us. Without the supposed “morals” of society, there would be no true good or evil. What is right and wrong: what is ethical, depends on situation and is not absolute.

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