Liking people

3:17 AM

31 July 2017

Getting that sudden feeling again where I feel like some of the people who I thought liked me don't actually like me. I mean this isn't the case with people who I'm close friends with, just like the random (well I wouldn't call them random) people that I'm kind of friends with as an association? Like between just classmate and actual close friend? When I think about it rationally, I doubt they have any real strong opinion about me because we simply don't interact enough, but also I feel like I annoy them so it's like AAHHH. Screaming forever. I kind of want to make an ACTUAL spam account because now my public account has actual people following me that I don't really want to bless with my grand notions of some manga I'm crying about.

On that note, it's 3 AM and I'm supposed to be awake by 7 AM to go hiking but instead I'm watching Today I Found Out videos on YouTube and crying about Saiyuki. Man it sucks to be the only person out of all your friends to like something so I'm just sitting here in eternal pain. Like I could rant to somebody about it, but that basically guarantees they won't read/watch it in the future because spoilers so they won't get that same impact I felt. Then again, I don't think any of my friends would consider reading it in the first place because it's kinda niche? Like people who like it really like it but not a super big amount of people like it. And it's kind of hard to start because it isn't exactly big death until you're already neck deep invested. I would say it's not unlike Gintama in that way (but that's probably where the similarities stop). Saiyuki is a violent very very loose adaptation of the Journey to the West that seems to just be a band of hot people traveling and fighting youkai along the way, you know, your typical stint but also of course everyone has tragic backstories but not only their own tragic backstory they technically have TWO tragic backstories because they're the reincarnations of people who lived in heaven but shit went down and everything is depressing but also funny. But none of this depth is really gleaned in the first few chapters and the anime has sooo much filler/changed stories so I feel like most people would stop pretty soon after starting or wouldn't even know where to start. Hell, I probably would stop too. The only likely reason I got into it was because my oldest sister would watch it on TV when I was young (it's a pretty sketchy show no wonder I ended up like this). So I already had that connection and vague ingrained-into-my-mind-because-i-was-young kind of attachment to the characters. This, and Cardcaptor Sakura. Very different shows. You could say it was like I was brainwashed. Not sure how this ended up being a discussion about Saiyuki in the first place. I thought I was sad but now I don't give as many shits as I did 20 minutes ago.

Okay I think I should go to sleep now so I don't have to grace Shuge with my even-deader-than-I-would-normally-be self on our hike. Yet why do I get the feeling I'll end up not sleeping until I realize it's already time for me to be getting out of bed.

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