Girl 2

5:20 PM

4 July 2017

This is such a random post but I need something to keep my mind occupied. I was looking at Gauri's Facebook and she seemed like such a different person in sophomore and junior year. Well not that different, but a lot more outgoing and social? She had a huge group of friends and would actually post on Facebook. So I wonder what happened between junior and senior year to make her like this. Maybe these are the people who called her pretentious so she feels like she can't trust friends anymore. Or maybe something happened with her family which I know something is wild with her mom and dad but I don't know if that's the cause. Maybe a combination of many things. I don't even know why I care. I guess maybe I feel like I should've tried harder, yet I know it shouldn't be my responsibility to help her when I don't even know what's going on. I no longer know how I feel about her. All my experiences with her have been negative, but I guess I'm just curious as to what happened.

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