Vampire Academy

10:47 AM

20 January 2016

So yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble with my mom to buy my author study book: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. I kind of don't want to read it because, as good as it may be, I'm not really a "literary" reader. Basically all I read was FanFiction (lots and lots of it, but recently I've stopped). Besides that, I read young adult novels. Yeah.

But I digress; basically I went to Barnes and Noble with the sole intent of buying the author study book but ended up in the YA section hoarding books into the basket. I have a kindle but I didn't want to pass up the chance of my mom paying for the stuff. It was really expensive. But I got home and realised I still wanted the Lunar Chronicles series so I had to order all of that myself from Amazon since there was no way my mom was spending another 60 bucks on even more books.

It'll probably take me like 200 years to finish all these books cause I'm really lazy and it's junior year, but if I end up really liking a book a can generally finish it in a day by staying up really late.
Right now I'm reading the first book in the vampire academy series, and I guess it's going fine. I know the movie really sucked, but the books are supposedly good. When Dimitri appeared, all I could imagine was the Dimitri (Dimitry?) from project runway. One way monkey.

On page 6 I realised that, in life, I am Jeremy. I am that random person. He is literally me all the time: "One of our housemates, Jeremy, sat at the table, hands on his forehead as he stared sadly at a Calculus book." Do you see. And then he is mind controlled into giving the two heroines his keys and car. I think that's probably his only role, but who knows.

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