
4:42 PM

18 January 2016

Just got back from Fresno and am waiting at Central YMCA for parents to arrive. I have so much shit tomorrow at school, and I'm so screwed. I'm debating if I should just skip school tomorrow.
Man all them bitches saying bye like they never gonna see each other again. Like damn son there is school literally tomorrow??? Is someone moving to Japan or some shit??? Do phones no longer exist???

Haha this guy just said he wants to ditch Calc tomorrow cause he didn't study at all for a quiz, and I'm like that is literally exactly me rn. I wonder if he goes to Monta Vista. But then why would he be a part of Central instead of Northwest. Probably just a coincidence. And an influx of bitchass math teachers that give tests/quizzes the day after break. I don't think breaks are supposed to make me wanna break ur neck... 

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