RIP Charlie

8:00 PM

24 June 2015

One of my two fish died today (the goldfish); I think I've had him/her for like 1-2 years. I don't even remember if I named him/her. I don't think I did. It's weird because my friend came over the other day and asked me if I named my fish, and I said no. I just went out and buried him/her. I think I'll say he's a guy because that's how it seemed like (actually I shouldn't do that because I always see fish as males for some reason). Anyway, it was really depressing because yesterday I just saw him lying on his side at the bottom of the tank, but he was still breathing. I guess I could've put him to sleep, but I just couldn't do it. I heard people microwave their dying fish. Like why would you do that??? I'm pretty sure that's painful. I'm not even sure I have a picture of the goldfish. I didn't really want to take a picture of him when he was already dead. He seemed fine like two days ago so I don't even know what happened. The other fish is still alive. Since Goldfish (I think I'll name him Charlie) was a guy (according to me apparently), the other fish can be a girl (honestly, what is this horrible logic). I think she's probably a Gourami? She has the two whisker feeler thingies on her stomach. She's kind of mean sometimes so I'll name her Blue (even though she isn't blue) after the only velociraptor that lived in Jurassic World.

I really do feel like I named them both before at my birthday party. I think it was just a joke though so I can't remember. Probably something stupid like Tony and Loki.

Here's a picture of the not-so-blue Blue:

[EDIT] So I've been reading around and I found that Blue is indeed a Gourami; a Gold Gourami to be more precise. I think Blue may actually be a male though haha. Apparently you need to look at their fin shape, but I'm still not really sure. 

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