Final Grades Are Going Up

3:35 PM

4 June 2015

And now I have a B in History. I had a 90, but I got a 70% on the final so now I have a 87. How did I even get 30 problems wrong on the final??? I didn't think I did that bad as I was taking it. At least I kept my A in Math. But I also have a B in Chemistry. Seriously though, who even gets a B in 10th grade History of all things?! Me apparently. I emailed my teacher hoping to get some extra thing I could do, but I doubt he'll give it to me. I've always dreaded having to email my teachers about grades (I've never done it before until today) because I don't want to annoy them you know? But I don't want to regret never doing it. I really like him as a teacher 'cause he's a really cool person, so I don't want him to dislike me. I doubt sending an email about grades is going to make him hate me, but I just don't like that feeling that you're bothering someone. Grades are arbitrary but they really aren't. My dad is going to be all like 'wtf' when he sees I got a B in History. Ughhh. History isn't easy but I just felt like it was one of those random classes, and that's my fault I guess.

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