I actually don't care though

5:28 PM

11 June 2015

So I don't understand why my mom tells me all this random bullshit and expects me to. It's not even like actual legitimate problems I should care about, and I'm just being an asshole about it; the problems are literally so damn stupid. It's like "this one relative (let's call her A) owes money on TWO credit cards (oh my god, I know right), and she asked ME to turn in the checks for her (keep in mind it's not like we're paying for her). Like why can't she ask her brother. Also, her sister (B) used like 1,000 dollars to buy coach bags from America to sell in Taiwan (a common practice by the way), and A is going to Taiwan soon, probably to collect back the money B owes for the bags." That's all fine and good, BUT THEN: "I ONLY HAVE ONE COACH BAG, AND IT WAS A GIFT FROM SOMEONE A LONG TIME AGO. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW COACH WAS A HIGH CLASS BRAND. THEY PROBABLY SAW THE BAG IN OUR HOUSE AND THOUGH I BUY SO MANY COACH BAGS. UGH. WHO LOOKS AT SOMEONES STUFF AND JUDGES THEM BASED ON THAT." That's literally what she screamed (in Chinese). I could not believe my ears. Actually I could because I already knew that my mom is crazy, but that's besides the point. The point is, who the hell thinks up bullshit like that? Right. So someone comes into our house, sees a Coach bag and automatically thinks you buy so many Coach bags, and you're a crazy money spender because of it. Okay??? First of all, that's the most idiotic logic I've ever heard. Second of all, you're stupid. Third of all, what does that even have anything to do with A being 5,000 dollars in debt? Fourth of all, why would it even matter to you even if they did think that? Them selling bags has 0% relation with you owning a Coach bag. I just. I actually wouldn't even care if she just thought that in her head because then I wouldn't have to hear it, but why does she find the need to spout the bullshit to me? Why does she even expect me care? I don't understand?!? And I can't even do anything because she's my mom and we're Asian.

I can already feel my dad coming home and her telling the same damn thing to him thinking he'll care and agree and then him getting mad at her because he recognizes how stupid her logic is and then her getting mad at him because she thinks she's always right and that everybody else is just against her (which is kind of true because she always constructs these crazy plots where everyone is judging her), and it will all just suck a lot. Like the weird debt thing she's mad about I can can kind of understand, but the second part about the bags is just so crazy to me I can't even comprehend. Either way, I don't care about the first part either, so why is she telling it to me. If she's so angry then just go say it to A's face. My mom always talks about how people talk about her behind her back as if she doesn't do the same thing all the time. God dammit.

[EDIT] I'm laughing really hard right now (but not really) because my mom just opened the door to my room (like 5 minutes after I published the above), and my dog just runs in. She's calling my dog to go out, but he's totally ignoring her. And then I'm mad so I'm ignoring her as well, so she's like, "What did I do wrong that you are all ignoring me?" I find that so funny. She doesn't even know, and that's what's so freaking sad about all of this. I should be crying instead.

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