Senior portraits

11:57 PM

28 September 2016

I have to take them tomorrow and it's making me nervous. I feel like I'll look so bad in them and I won't even want to put it as my profile picture because it's so unflattering. I am literally the least photogenic person ever. I have such a big face and short neck no collar bones nothing is good about my face or body end me.

I have a friend in my japanese and econ class and she's so nice and cute and pretty and I wanna fly off a cliff because it's so shocking to me that she wants to talk to me. I knows that's a dumb thing to say because people do actually care about personality and it's just my own insecurities but it's just so weird to me because she knows so many people in the class yet she chooses to talk to me. Like normally people aren't mean to me or anything it's just that they kind of avoid talking to me, and I'm usually the person without a partner during those pair off activities. Even my club officers don't seem to like me that much and it's just frustrating to work with people who you aren't sure how informal you can he with. I know that's the nature of things, but sue me for wanting things to be chill.

Another thing that's pissing me off is the fact that we have to drive to this dumb Prestige place 30ish minutes away even though they used to do it at our school. Even that's stressing me out because my mom doesn't like driving to far unfamiliar places so I'm afraid we'll get lost and I'll miss it or something. Or I'll screw up my makeup and everything will be a disaster. I don't know how to smile nicely either like my face gets even bigger when I smile and it casts a weird shadow just kill me.
Also this place is rated 1.6 stars there is no joke someone who left a 7 paragraph review about how shady this place is. And their photos are so overpriced probably because the only time they make money is when highschoolers are forced to take their senior portraits there. My senior friend from last year just got the cheapest one and made prints at Costco.

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