Can't fall asleep

1:03 AM

16 September 2016

I am anxious right now and can't fall asleep. I don't really know why I'm anxious. For the most part, today was a happy day. I laughed a lot and it was fun.

Actually I think I do know why I'm anxious. The first biotech club meeting is tomorrow. Normally I'd just be like whatever about it, but now that I'm president this year, I feel so much pressure not to screw up. It's stupid because I know it will probably go fine, but I'm anxious anyway. On one hand, I want a lot of people to show up, but on the other hand, I just want it to be a small group of nice people that I don't have to feel nervous around.

I have an Economics FRQ tomorrow, and I wouldn't be anxious about it but I am because it's on top of the club meeting and I just started thinking about college apps and how I just want all my teachers to get their shit in so I don't have to worry about their side and I can just do my own thing. I don't like the feeling of relying on someone to do something because I'm never sure if they'll actually do it. But I feel bad nagging them about it constantly and it just causes stress in general.

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