Nothing left to say

2:15 AM

24 September 2016

I never really know what to say to people. Literally I lead such a uneventful life. I don't really get all that invested into any one topic to the extent that I actually feel super excited talking about it. Especially because most of the time none of my friends are into those things anyway. Like I really like Pokémon, but I don't know, there isn't much to say about it in the end. A lot of my friends are into cosplay and idols etc. but I'm not, so I kind of just sit around wondering how you could discuss these random girls for so long and not lose interest. I'm just tired because whenever my friends rant to me about these things I don't really mind it but obviously I don't give a shit either because I have no idea what they're talking about. The only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I've probably said that phrase so many times already it's even started to piss me off everytime I say it. Today: My parents are getting divorced: I'm sorry. Some person everyday: I feel like shit: I'm sorry. What am I supposed to do. I send you positive vibes!!!! I mean, what, do you expect me to send negative vibes? I hope you're having a great day!!! Well we've already established it's shitty so what am I gonna do to make it better from the other side of my phone. When I feel shitty, nothing you can do short of making me rich (I am a shallow bitch) is gonna change the shitty day. I don't care if all my friends say they care, I know they care, that's why I consider them my friends; if that's all I needed I wouldn't have shitty days in the first place. In conclusion, this is why I never know what to say and why I feel like so many of my friendships are surface level. There's only so far you can go with just listening.

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