Swearing and Youtube Drama

11:59 PM

20 July 2016

This is my first time recording an audio blog/podcast thing and it's pretty bad, but I mean there's a first for everything. I sound so awkward and use the words "like" and "I don't even know" way too many times it's embarrassing to listen to. But I had fun with the parts where I was talking about my own life as opposed to when I was spouting shit about the stupid YT drama that's going on right now because tbh I don't know shit about that stuff.

Also it would be more streamlined if I used podbean and embedded the audio player into the blog post with the HTML or whatever but I ain't paying for that shit when nobody is even going to listen to it. Like I have to use google docs' shady external audio player that you can open when it tells you it's not supported or something.


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