
10:01 PM

24 July 2016

Here is audio blog number 4, which is me randomly talking about a fanfiction I was reading and about a friend's birthday/birthdays in general and lost friendships.

I skipped 2 and 3 which were both recorded on the 22nd because 2 is me ranting about random shit for an hour and 3 is just me freaking out about the birthday thing after sending the message which I cover in 4. It's still possible to listen to them by clicking the hyperlink in the about me (I don't know why anyone would though) since they are all in the same drive folder. Actually now that I'm thinking about it I'll put blog 3 here anyway I'm so indecisive.

Blog 3:

Blog 4:

As an extension to the audio, the other friend also told me that because I still remembered in the end that it was probably okay, and it kind of calmed me down, but also it's been two days now and I'm like well maybe it's not okay.

Blog 2 (random rants):

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