
12:04 PM

20 July 2016

It's summer vacation right now and, obviously, I've therefore been sleeping at ungodly hours, but I still seem to wake up at the same time. It's weird because when I sleep at 12-3 for example, I still wake up naturally at 11-12, but when I sleep at 5 like I did the previous night, I still wake up at 11-12. For example, right now it's 11:51; I woke up around 30 minutes ago. In the end, since I slept at around 5 am, I only slept like 6 hours, which is sad for me. I can't sleep at 12 and wake up at 6 but I can sleep at 5 and wake up at 11, naturally no less. 

I'm just frustrated because I wish I would wake up early naturally like some of my friends can, but that's just not how it goes. One of my friends, Dhanya, says she does it out of the habit of waking up for school everyday. Like that's great, but you know, you'd think after going to school for near every damn day of my life that I would have that habit too. But I don't, and that's just how life goes I guess. I could always sleep earlier, but like I said, unless I sleep at some stupid early time like 9 (which I know people do; I can't), I'll feel like I woke up at the ass crack of Satan's ass every single time. That's another thing, I hate how when I wake up for school it's still dark. Like you know that sunlight trick that makes your brain tell you to wake your ass up? I can't even do that because the moon is still out when I have to wake up and it's just so rage inducing to hear that damn alarm, sit up, and see that there isn't even light filtering through the curtains. It's just dark, foggy, and dank. Like I am clearly not in Persona 4 here so can we please.

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