
9:50 AM

16 June 2016

Why are my parents always yelling at each other. I was supposed to be happy today since I'm leaving for LA but of course I'm crying instead because my dad decided to keep yelling at my mom. Because my mom is often so unreasonable, now my dad is cautious of the motives of everything she does and says even when they're normal and yells at her about everything. I just feel so shitty. And they wonder why I don't want them to take me on trips and I always freeload with someone else. I feel like I'm annoying and intruding on other people, usually Megan's family, cause I always go with them everywhere but it's like they are so much nicer and they love their parents so much and they're parents don't hate each other and one of them doesn't have psychological issues. I'm just so tired of listening to my parents fight everyday about stupid shit like can we please get a grip on life.   

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