That bus ride

1:55 PM

13 December 2015

So a few posts back I mentioned how I felt awkward on the bus to Fresno and that I didn't want to force some poor sop to sit next to me because there were no more seats left. I also happened to mention that I wanted to sit next to a person I could sleep on. Well it turns out that the girl who ended up sitting next to me actually ended up falling asleep on me. So I was stuck in random positions for long periods of time. I mean, I would have felt bad if I moved cause she logically would have probably thought that I didn't appreciate her intrusion. But I guess I didn't really care.

It was strange because after we got there, I was trying to wake her up but she just would not budge. When she finally did wake up, she just got up and we part ways as if nothing even happened. I was kind of thinking that she could have at least said thanks (I mean she fell asleep on me for hours without asking), but I'm sure she felt weird about it as well. Some things should just be left as is. Those silent services and interactions we have.

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