I literally just

3:05 PM

29 November 2015

Why does she do this. Okay so my aunt made banana cake for Thanksgiving and it didn't rise but it tasted fine. So today she tried again and it succeeded so she just asked me if I wanted to try it. I said sure so she brought it over. So far this sounds totally normal and totally what two normal ass people would do right? Yeah but of course because my mom is involved it goes to shit. My aunt comes over to give some of it to us and leaves. At the door she says that the recipe she used for the Thanksgiving one was wrong. She also said that she didn't add a lot of sugar and most of the sweetness is from the banana. Okay cool. So my mom and I each eat one and THEN MY MOM STARTS RANTING ABOUT HOW MY AUNT WAS LYING. Okay can someone please tell me what happened. I am so confused. She says a bunch of bullshit about how nobody wants to eat what she cooks and she's like a trashcan who eats leftovers. Ummm bitch I literally eat all of your food why do you think I look like this. And then she goes on about how there's no way that most of the cake is banana. MY AUNT DIDN'T EVEN SAY THAT IT WAS. She literally said that most of the sweetness comes from the banana. You're the one who speaks native Chinese; I'd think you'd understand better than me. But I guess you're too deluded with paranoia to know shit. I really just want to implode right now.

Banana-chocolate cupcakes

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