Popcorn, Fire Emblem, and Weeaboos

12:50 AM

23 December 2015

Man, deciding to eat popcorn is a real commitment. It could turn out well like usual, but it could also end with you getting that weird shell piece stuck in your throat and debating your existence for the rest of eternity. Like was it all really worth it? Will drinking water fix this? Man I feel like in the future, people should engineer popcorn without the kernel left inside after popped. Honestly nobody asked for this bullshit. Or I could also just stop eating popcorn but nobody asked for that either. I mean kettle corn is literally the best food ever invented on this entire damn planet. Sometimes I still sit down and evaluate how it's all possible.

On a side note, I just watched gameXplain's video of 15 minutes of Fire Emblem if/fates. It looked pretty good. Better than the popcorn stuck in my throat. But I'll still probably change the voices to Japanese because tbh every time one of the characters laugh, I laugh because it sounds so funny.

On another side note, I know if anyone saw what I said, there would be that one (+many) bitchasses that would be all like "oh look, we have a weeb". Like ??? Could people please stop talking like a superior race ??? I mean it's easy for me to just say oh yeah I am a weeb and screw you, but tbh I don't think I am? Tbh I don't think it would matter if I was??? Why is this attitude against other human beings a thing???

I am just so used to anime characters speaking Japanese because that is what they are originally meant to speak. No matter what race the character in the damn anime is, they still look like an anime character and still look kinda Japanese because of that, so it's weird if English comes out of their mouths instead. Also languages that I can't really fully understand sound better because it's harder to recognize shitty acting. But it's mostly the first thing. For example, I would prefer to watch The Avengers in English rather than in a Japanese voiceover because that is what it was meant to originally sound like. If I watched family guy or some shit, I would watch it in English because that is also what it's supposed to sound like. Is that really so difficult to understand??? Also when dubs pronounce things like names wrong. You had one job. I don't think it's really so hard to learn how to pronounce the titular characters' name. Man it's all such a struggle.

Also people who hate on the new FE game because of the petting feature or whatever because it's too "waifu" or "weebish" are hilarious. The game was made in Japan. It is a Japanese game. Like pretty much all your games. Am I crazy to think that something made by Japan would be Japanese. What. I guess I understand if people think it's creepy, but not really because I don't find it creepy. Like you are touching a person's head. They are happy. There isn't even any boob touching. They are pixels on a screen. You are touching face pixels on a screen. It's not even required. It's very simple. Perception is key, but you don't even have to perceive anything.

There was this entire post I read that was ranting about how weeaboos are the worst people on the planet or something. And there were so many, too many, people in the comments who agreed. I could not believe what I read. Some of the stuff was valid, but a lot of it was just so entitled and cringe inducing I could not even believe I was in real life. Like thank you for being a narrow minded douche canoe just so I could reaffirm that narrow minded douche canoes actually exist.

Is my definition of people who are considered weeaboos too weak? Like are they crazier than I think? I don't know because a lot of the times I feel like people label simple things as automatically "weeb"ish. I really love it when people judge others based on one aspect of their character. Everyone in this world is 1D and we all live in a pop-up book written by some shitty author.

God damn.

I am annoyed by overenthusiastic people as well. I'm annoyed by so many things. Does that mean these people are automatically shoved into this one group and labelled the trash of the world. No. I'm not crazy. I'd like to think that other people aren't crazy as well.

Maybe I am reading too much into this.

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