I hate everything

11:22 PM

15 July 2015

I don't even know what to say anymore. I was about to type out everything that happened (and is currently still happening), but I'm just so tired. She's crazy. I can't do anything because she's my mom. I hate it. I'm so angry inside. I wondered why everyone in my family ends up crazy (my second sister seems okay now, but I wonder if that's because she's off at college away from my mom doing happier things). My mom always says that we always say stuff is her fault. I wonder why. Nobody even really says stuff is her fault. I really want to though. She says I'm becoming like my oldest sister (not a compliment in this case). Well I wonder why for that too. Who's fault do you think it is that we both happen to want to yell at you and push you out the door. I feel like I'm going insane.

It's weird because when I came upstairs and into my room, I apparently locked the door. I don't even remember doing it. I seriously don't. And I was holding Kyle with both hands so there's no way I could have locked the damn door. But when my mom came over (for like the 50th time), it was locked. And I was just so confused. What, is some otherworldly being cursing me or something? Or maybe I somehow subconsciously locked it because I knew. 

It's weird because I can't say sorry to my mom about anything. I can't say thank you. I can't say anything good. I can't say "I love you". I would die before I said that. But I think I would cry if she died. Yet I wonder to myself if it's because I won't be able to do so many things if she dies, or because I actually care that much. Sometimes I just wish she would be gone, but other times things are happy. These days it seems to be more the former than the latter.

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