Dream 5: Ghost Fish

11:40 PM

I'm trying to calm down from what just happened, so I think I'll just write what happened in my dream last night.

It was about my fish. I can't really remember it that well anymore (as with all the dreams I have and don't write down immediately).

I was downstairs looking at Blue, the lone fish left in the tank, when suddenly, a blank moment happens, and I'm sitting on the couch. Somehow Charlie (the goldfish that died recently) was back inside the tank. I actually thought to myself, 'this is impossible' and asked myself if I was dreaming. I did this weird jump thing--as if that was going to prove anything--and decided no, I was not dreaming. Over the course of the dream, various fish I once had (but died) came back to life.

At some point, I was trying to pick up Blue with my bare hands to transfer him to a different tank, but obviously that didn't end well. He thrashed out and flew onto my couch. I heard a crack sound and was afraid to look. When I did, I thought I saw his tail was missing like his body broke in half. I was actually really shocked. Eventually I realized he was still fine and just placed him back in the tank. I don't really remember anything else besides the fact I found each of the revived fish in obscure areas.

There was this really weird part where I think I asked myself, 'wow, how do fish fly?'. Like there were there flying fish in my dream? I can't remember. I feel like I dreamt of fish making the motions they do in water but in the air instead. So they were flying.

Thinking of all the shitty stuff that's happening to me recently, I wonder if the gods are preforming some divine retribution for all the bad things I've done. I've probably killed way too many fish.

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