Dream 4: Plastic Gold and Beheading

6:00 PM

[This one was taken from an actual written diary that I was planning on using for dreams, but I always had school so I only ever wrote one down haha. As a warning, this thing makes no sense and has horrible grammar.]

Plastic Gold and Beheading // 3 July 2014, 5:42 AM

I actually had a dream that I had a dream, woke up, recorded it, and then went back to sleep. I can't remember the dream I supposedly recorded though. The dream I just woke up from started out with me walking towards my room and seeing Amy downstairs. I was suddenly in her room and saw that the Yu-Gi-Oh cards were back on the bookshelf. I also saw the boxing for the gold edition Pokemon X and Y 3DS XL/LL. I think I had a previous dream, which I had forgotten, that also had this 3DS in her room. Anyway, some guy walks up to me and asks if it's a 3DS or a 3DS XL (but he said LL for some reason). Amy, who's sitting in the chair across from the bookcase, replies that it's a regular 3DS. Normally in dreams you just go with the flow, but this time I feel like I did know she was wrong. I had this long conversation with the random dude about why it was so expensive or whatever. The 3DS looked so weird: it had buttons on the top too. It also felt like plastic (I knocked on it). Halfway through, I think it even turned black. Apparently, it was so expensive because of the button they added to open it because "nobody knew it as there". Okay. Then I'm downstairs at the white couches sitting, using the glass table across from Amy. I start up Maplestory of all things and awkwardly turn down the theme music since it was so loud. I think I was embarrassed of playing it. Grace walks over and I feel like she referred to something I forgot in a dream between the 3DS and now. She then went all 'oh wow, you're playing Maplestory again. You play everyday'. Which I don't. She leaves. In the game I was doing Ludi PQ, but it didn't feel like it. There was an update that changed it. In the middle of it I think my conscious decided that no, we were actually in R&J PQ. But not really. I remember thinking, 'where are the roids'. At some point, I got transported into the game, which was nothing like Maplestory, yet it was in my mind. There was a stage where only 3 people of 5 could pass, so I killed 2 members by biting their heads off. The 3rd guy was some black dude [why did I even include this???] who convinced me not to kill him. As this was happening, the 5th (now 3rd) person, who looked like Kazuki from Get Backers, slipped through before us. We caught up to him at a stage where it felt like a dead end. I told them I'd search it up on the guide. Things got trippy here. I had the phone in-game, but where I searched. I was sudden'y back in the normal Maplestory in the real world. I told them to go back because there was a portal we missed. I imagined the Lion King's/Heart Castle map. Then I woke up I think.

END 6:35 AM, go back to sleep.

[Wow, it took me an hour to write this thing (like actually write it, not just now where I typed it, if you can tell by the times I actually recorded).]

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