
12:02 AM

23 February 2017

I just went on a photoshoot for Olivia today for her Valentine Umi and I just feel so unsatisfied with the majority of the photos I took. They feel so boring. I look at the photos these other photographers take and I'm always so impressed by how interesting they look and the amazing techniques/composition. I've looked at my photos so many times that they all feel the same. The only few that I like are from literally trying to replicate the angle of a photo someone else took. I think I'm going to start looking into editing techniques and learning how to edit my photos to make them more interesting.

Another thing I don't understand is why I can't be more sure about myself. Olivia asked me today if I had any ideas for what we could do, and I literally had none. I guess I'm afraid they'll end up dumb? Honestly they probably will, but if I don't at least try then I'll never know. I have no sense of composition. I don't feel comfortable posing people either. I think I'm afraid of offending them. Like "do this because right now you look unattractive". I mean I could probably do without the unattractive part so I think I'm just afraid of making them look even more unattractive. Or if I tell them to give me a better smile, I'm basically telling them their smile is ugly. I get that you'd like to know that, but people have different opinions on what kind of smile looks pretty. Real smiles are always the prettiest because they reach the eyes, but that's a different story. For example, Olivia (lol always Olivia) once told me that she found Liz's selfie smile to be creepy sometimes, but I think it looks fine, so there's that. Also, people seem to want to stand right up against a wall for photos. Like I need more background subject isolation. All around I'm just unsatisfied and bored.

Valentine Umi

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