
2:35 PM

23 December 2016

I am really annoyed right now. Basically me and my friends had planned a trip to Japan and Korea for our senior trip but everyone is backing out in the end. I'm honestly not that pissed that Dhanya and Chung Min backed out, because I kind of expected it. I'm more pissed that Aditi backed out because of her parents and then low key blames me for it? She's like oh I told you we should have bought the tickets early because my parents would do this. I'm ??? literally NOT ONCE did I say that we shouldn't do it early. I was always up to buy the tickets, the only reason we didn't was because we were waiting on Chung Min. So why do I get the blame? I don't know. And just now she chats me saying we can only go to Hawaii because her parents won't let us go to a foreign country with only two people. And she agrees now? Even though literally two days ago she didn't? And she says, trust me, it was super stressful with my parents it will be 10000x more stressful with just us. And now you might say, why don't I just go alone then. I might as well go with my parents then, but the whole point of a senior trip is that it's with friends. This isn't even what's annoying me right now. What's annoying me is when she says at the end once I agree (not that I have a choice) with the Hawaii trip, "yeah but we gotta plan now and i dont wanna hear shit about why 'we are planning so early' please". AGAIN, NOT ONCE have I ever said any "shit" about planning early. I can pull out the damn receipts; I ALWAYS agreed we should plan early so stop acting like you're the only one who has it together. Stop making me feel like it's my fault this fell apart. My side was literally the most aquisisting, just say the word and I'm there. It's all of you who can't get a straight decision out of your parents so I really don't wanna be taking your shit "please".

In conclusion I'm feeling really heated about this right now but I'll probably chill out soon.
I'm not actually as mad as I sound, it was just a building wtf that I had to get out. I am always the most chill. If you need a ride I gotchu. If you wanna go out I gotchu. So it just rubs me the wrong way when plans fall apart and it is suddenly my fault when it's the least my fault.

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