
8:47 PM

3 December 2016

「我很美我很美我很美我很美 沒有什麼事能把我這大美女打倒」-a beautiful girl

What does it take to be satisfied.

I take a glimpse into the lives of others, they look so perfect and far away, yet still must convince themselves they are beautiful.

I feel anger for what I don't have. Can I ever convince myself that I'm beautiful. Say it four times or don't, it's true either way. Say it never say it once, it's false either way.

Am I truly deserving of this emotion seeing as though I am still. It's so easy to give up. One day. Half a day. A minute. A second. One jump. Two jumps. My heart feels like a heavy rock. It's not the heart it's the legs. The feet. Stop.

Lie in my bed and stare at the sky past the ceiling. Look past the city lights at the stars. Remain in fantasy.

The alarm rings, and I'm pulled out into the world where people are beautiful.

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