Vaguing on Instagram

12:55 AM

18 January 2017

Hello I am Elaine Wang and I just vagued but high key not even vagued someone on Instagram. The only reason I did it was because he isn't following me anymore (i wonder why !!) so it's not like it would appear on his feed.

Excerpt from chat with Shuge:
Basically I'm just dead at how fake he seems. Granted a lot of what Im salty about is about his relationship with Maggie so take that with a grain of salt but he basically broke up with her after a week or two after he made their relationship official bc he was "busy" and to try again in January. and then during winter break he drove her home from our delegation Xmas dinner and in the car kissed her and grabbed her boob (lmaoo) and even though she was salty about him breaking up with her she still wanted to be with him again if he asked her again in January like he said. But AFTER the thing in the car he texts her that he just wants to mess around not really date. (good job getting her hopes up by kissing her and groping her) And then when school starts he starts dating this friend he's had for a while and tells Maggie he can't mess around anymore bc he's dating someone literally a day after he sent a dick pic to her through Snapchat. And he wouldn't tell her who he was dating because "i dont owe you anything" and "you don't know the shit I've been through" like hello you were friends and had a relationship yeah you don't owe her anything technically but how about being a decent person just because you think your life is shitty doesn't make that an excuse to be shitty to someone else. And then he says oh we should still be friends after this like WHO? if he literally just apologized but he didn't because he already told her it was just messing around but that's high key so insensitive like you don't just assume ppl don't have feelings I cannot. And then at Fresno this weekend he was high key being touchy with other girls like he's ALWAYS TOUCHY WITH OTHER GIRLS like what happened to your new girlfriend? Just because she isn't here ur pulling this? But I digress. On Monday we were doing a MLK march and he asked me for popcorn and I was like sure whatever and he was like thanks Elaine youre the best I ??? you literally never talk to me and unfollowed me on instagram I assumd bc I'm friends with Maggie and if not then bc im not cool enough for u ?? Like that's great but don't be out there pretending and posting my photos on ur ig without giving credit I cannot LOL IM JUST FULL OF SALT
IN ADDITION, I didn't mention that when Maggie asked him how long he's been thinking about dating Shruti (since he's been friends with her for a long time), he said he'd been thinking about it for a while but just never acted on it. Ummm hello?? That high key makes it sound like you were thinking about some other girl while you were dating Maggie as if you were just using her. Like were you just testing the waters to see if you actually like Shruti by dating some other girl and then dumping her once you figured it out. God damn you are not that cool. I'll stop talking shit once you apologize with sincerity.

Also my Instagram isn't private because I feel like that would encourage me to be even more fake than I already am so like three people in the delegation who don't even have a problem with him (I think) saw my post and liked it and I'm dead. They don't even know why I was shading him so hard and probably think I'm so petty to be shading over some dumb Facebook game. Basically our Facebook group for Y&G started playing Endless Valley and Tiki was in first until Teddy took over and then I took over and tonight Tiki got in first again, telling me and Teddy to bow down to the king. So hopefully they don't think I'm pissed because of that... If he was anyone else I'd be like lmao whatever, but because I was already annoyed with him, that "bow down" just fueled my annoyance even more. God bless Lucas for being a savage. Also I'm so shocked like how did my amazing first year in Y&G with great, amazing, nice, inclusive people like Shuge, Mahima, Neil, Esther, Alice, Nellie, etc transform into a bullshit second year and a better, but still bullshit third and last year.

On the note of him not following me anymore, I'm like so salty about this because you can not follow me sure, but at least PC me god damn. And I know he knows how to do it because he's done it before for me last year when he posted a picture from Sac. YOU KNOW WHAT, I AM PETTY UGH.

I wanna fly away. Literally a few minutes after I posted my vague but not really vague shade, Sandalina (one of the ppl in my delegation who I think doesn't really know what's happening) chats me saying thanks for the photos and then PCs me in a photo she posted where she didn't PC me before. And then she's like in the future don't be shy because we are all friends in a delegation. I'm sure she's a nice person I'm just dead because I still have to interact with these people who probably now think I'm a petty bitch (which I guess is true) until Sac, and there's a meeting literally tomorrow. I low key disagree that we are all friends though. I mean again, maybe it's my own fault for not reaching out, but I mean really what would I talk about with them. Every time we do an icebreaker it always ends up awkward. Also dead because one of our advisors was telling Maggie about how everyone cries at the Sac friendship circle like boi if I didn't cry my first year with all those angels leaving, you really think I'm gonna be crying for ya'll.

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