
11:54 PM

12 August 2016

Okay so this has been bothering me for a while but I don't really know what to do about it. Well I do know; I just don't want to do it.

Basically it makes me really sad and uncomfortable when people don't credit me when they use my photos. Granted, my photos aren't anything incredible and I'm sure they think they could take photos that are just as good, but when they don't credit me, it makes me feel like they don't appreciate the time and work I put into taking those photos for them. I doubt that they are doing it on purpose and they probably just forget, but even though I'm their friend, it still makes me happy to see them use my photos and acknowledge the effort I put into them. It's not that they forget every time, some forget more than others. I don't really know anymore. I guess I'm just sad because they never forget for anyone else even when they are kind of friends and it leaves the impression that they prefer their photography. Actually, I'm pretty sure they do prefer her photography because she is honestly more skilled and edits her photos, and that's fine, but that's not really the point.

I suppose the only way to fix this would be to let them know how I feel, but I don't like making people feel uncomfortable. I love it when they end up using even one of the hundreds of photos I take for them, and I don't want to jeopardize that.

I would say that it bothers me more when my closer friends don't credit me, but it's kind of a different form of bother. When people I don't know well don't credit me, I feel angry and salty. Not extreme anger or anything, just annoyed that I took time to take their photos and they don't even acknowledge it.

This happened just today where a girl I took photos for yesterday posted a photo I took on Instagram; what miffed me was that she remembered to tag the two people she was cosplaying with, yet she couldn't even tag the person who took the photo for her? It's not even like I didn't know her at all; I talked to her the whole day and even cooked with her. I'm just really salty.

When close friends don't credit me, it doesn't make me feel angry or anything, it just makes me feel sad. Sad because I know they aren't throwing shade and they probably just forgot. I understand because maybe they are used to having me take photos for them and so they forget, but, sue me, I like having validation. I say that I know they aren't throwing shade because they are my friends, but I'm also pretty sure the other girl wasn't trying to throw shade either. She was a nice person. It probably just didn't even cross her mind because I obviously wasn't in the photo, I was behind it.

I was thinking of making a post about my salt, but it would be really obvious and passive aggressive and it would be a lot smarter to just let them know directly how I felt. But like I said before, I can't bring myself to do either.

It's interesting because one of the friends I take photos for always remembers to leave photo credits, maybe because she's an artist and understands.

People on the internet always get up in arms about giving credit when you use someone else's art. I'd like to think that if I were to use her edits, she would be bothered if I didn't credit her. I get that edits and drawing etc. take more effort and skill than my amateur photography, but I feel like it still qualifies as art and that the time I dedicated for them means something.

I just don't want to sound entitled and all "ohhh I'm so talented and amazing at photography how dare you forget about me", but I'm sad.

I guess I'm wondering if my feelings are unreasonable and dumb.

I shouldn't even be this bothered. It's not like it happens super often. This whole thing was stupid.

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