Strange Feeling

10:49 PM

17 September 2015

These days I'm so tired from doing nothing. I come back from school, and I just feel so tired. I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like my whole life is deteriorating, and I'm just sitting there. But the thing is, I have a strange feeling that I can't identify. It's there. I'm not freaking out right now, which is worrying, but I'm silently watching as my grades just drop around me. I don't know. I don't know what I'll do. It's so easy to say that I'll just shape up and start doing work, but when I wake up the next day, I, again, feel so tired. It's a never ending cycle of non productivity.

I need to fix this. I don't want to get to the end of the semester and have 3 B's and 1 C and wonder where I went wrong.

I have to fix this.

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