a small update

7:15 PM

2 September 2017 (copied from my medium)
Tonight I hung out with a pretty cool and chill group of people. I hope they enjoyed having me there as much as I enjoyed being there. Something weird is that when we were about to start playing cards against humanity, it turned out one of the guys in the group, John, invited his roommate to play with us too and his roommate turned out to be Aditya Mahadevan(???) the one Shuge and I used to think was annoying back in middle school but really matured to be a pretty chill guy in high school. I was so shocked because I mean wow, what a small world. It’s like witnessing the science of six degrees of separation at work right in front of me.
The other day I met a person called Nate and it turned out their sister goes to school at Northeastern to study Pharmacy like my sister and even knows my sister from a trip to Puerto Rico. Nate actually introduced themself to me as Natalie at first when I asked for their name and also low key came out to me as lesbian in sign language (it was a very interesting, roundabout way of telling me). Then yesterday I hit them up to go to an event at night and I think they implied they’re also non-binary? And when I went to visit their dorm, I saw they whited out their name on the door from Natalie to Nate. So I assume that’s how it is. Anyway, that’s another weird six degrees of separation thing that happened to me. Again, such a small world. Like what is the statistic probability that the person who happens to sit with me at lunch in the dining hall because we are both super awkward around strangers ends up having a sister who goes to the same school as my sister, studies the same major, and also went on a trip to Puerto Rico with my sister. That’s pretty wild.
Things that seem to be completely unrelated grow into something you never expect.
I really hope I don’t just end up being another random person they meet and let go. I like them and I’d love to stay.
Also Aditi replied which makes me feel a bit better too. I think we all just need to focus on our own problems for now. It gets better.
It gets better.

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