Physics class annoyance

8:55 PM

6 November 2016

I know it's hard to believe, but I do actually want to be taught things. No, going home and reading notes and then going to school to do problems doesn't count in my opinion. Elaine, you might say, why don't you just go to class and ask the teacher for help then? How smart you are. But I wouldn't be here typing this if it was that easy, would I? And it really should be that easy. But it isn't because for some reason, every time I ask the teacher for help, I get these vague answers that are low key incorrect or I don't understand. I'm sorry I'm too dumb to understand. It's that interaction you have where the other person is smiling and nodding as they talk but you're just looking at them with a face of non-understanding. But somehow they think you're nodding as well so that's that. Elaine, you must be laughing, surely you aren't the only one who doesn't know shit. You are absolutely correct. But the other people who don't know shit die in the background while the people who actually know what's going on overshadow everything. You never hear the people who scream the loudest in their own mind. And I just feel shitty because, if everyone else can somehow figure all this out, why am I stuck here like a dumbass? Why can't these teachers actually teach. It's not even like they try to teach at school but fail so you have to go home and self study. Now they're actually telling me that they aren't going to teach and I have to learn it myself first. Darling. Please remind me again what your job is and why you're getting paid. I don't care about this weird hippy guy talking about how effective flipped learning is; it doesn't work for me. If I have to learn it myself, and when I go to class, you can't even answer my questions, what am I doing in the class. I might as well not be attending and I would know just as much physics by the end of the year: nothing.

In conclusion, I'm really salty right now because there is a test tomorrow and I'm sitting here wondering about the velocity these atoms of a box are accelerating at. I'm also wondering if I'll be getting the kinematic equations because I still don't remember those. Just let me die. Or, just let me skip to the end of this semester with a B in Physics and Pokemon Moon. I don't even care, I just don't want to experience this bullshit.

Random cool resin necklace I got from Etsy; it has Amethyst, my birthstone.

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