Simple Things

4:24 PM

18 May 2016

Why can't things just be simple so people don't have to be sad.

I don't know what I'm trying to say. It just came up in my mind.

I don't really freak out over things or break down or have panic attacks or anything of that nature. I guess I don't really care enough to. Right now I feel like I should be freaking out. I have to make a bunch of experiments for my Biology PDP group myself because nobody in my group wants to do anything. I don't want to do anything either. That's due Monday. I also have a 10 page essay about an author I know nothing about due on Monday as well that's worth a ton of points so I can't afford to fail it. But I haven't even started. I haven't even finished reading his book, let alone his second book. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to answer a bunch of questions so I won't fail the BRAWL about The Things They Carried. I have my AP Chinese test tomorrow, and I should be calm about it because I'm okay at Chinese but I also feel like I'm not okay enough. Mainly I'm worried about the essay though. I'm tired. There's also a personal narrative due next Friday and I don't know what I'm going to write for that one either. I think it should be easy but it isn't because we also have to read it out to the class and I'm not okay with that.

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